disorderd eating, Intuitive Eating Lauren Rieker, RD disorderd eating, Intuitive Eating Lauren Rieker, RD

10 Ways You Might Be Restricting Without Realizing It

You might have heard that restriction is the number one driving force behind feeling out of control with food. Feeling out of control with food can play out in various ways such as binge eating until you feel physically uncomfortable, feeling like you can't keep certain foods in the house because you will eat it ALL (GASP), and/or thinking about food all day. Not to mention did you know that restiction of food mimics addiction? Yes, read that again. So generally the people that have rules around food and/or are micromanaging food feel addicted to food. But what does it mean to “restrict”?

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Eating Disorders, Underrepresented Populations Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW Eating Disorders, Underrepresented Populations Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW

Eating Disorders in Minoritized Communities

Today, we are sharing an introduction post to eating disorders in marginalized, minoritized, and underrepresented communities. We will cover statistics, stereotypes, and barriers to diagnosis and treatment. Keep an eye out for upcoming posts covering eating disorders in these groups (ie. EDs in the Black Community; EDs in the LGBTQIA2+ Community, etc.).

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Eating Disorders Allison Tucker, RD Eating Disorders Allison Tucker, RD

Eating Disorders and Athletes

Athletes are not immune from the impact of diet culture. In fact, athletes are 2-3 times more likely to develop an eating disorder compared to non-athletes. Up to 45% of female athletes and 19% of male athletes struggle with disordered eating. Additionally, 84% of female college athletes report having disordered patterns of eating or have engaged in unhealthy weight control practices at one time.

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education, Body Image, Eating Disorders, disorderd eating Allison Tucker, RD education, Body Image, Eating Disorders, disorderd eating Allison Tucker, RD

Ozempic and Eating Disorders

Research shows both losing weight and restrictive dieting increase the risk for eating disorders. Many assume a restrictive diet has a name, rules, and a specific duration, but the term “restrictive diet” simply refers to eating less than your body needs. Not only are GLP-1’s prescribed in addition to restrictive diets, but they also make following a restrictive diet much easier due to their mechanism of action: extreme appetite suppression and delayed gastric emptying.

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Treatment Brenna Barnard, LMHCA Treatment Brenna Barnard, LMHCA

Eating Disorder Levels of Care

You are thinking about getting help for your relationship with food and/or your body. This is no small feat! There is much to be proud of here, especially in a diet-culture-saturated society. Thankfully, there are plenty of options or ways to get help for your specific experience. A range of care exists to meet your needs, so to decide what might be the best for you, it can be helpful to learn more about what options do exist!

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Brenna Barnard, LMHCA Brenna Barnard, LMHCA

Understand the Restrict/Binge Cycle

To struggle with your eating behavior can be so difficult, isolating, scary, and confusing! Not to mention all of the messages that exist within our society that tell us how we “should” be eating, what we should avoid, how often we should be eating, etc. It is absolutely exhausting. The more you learn about yourself, your body, and your own eating patterns, you will find emotions play a role.

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Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW

What is Diet Culture?

Diet culture is a well-used term in the eating disorder/anti-diet space. Today we are revisiting an old post on diet culture, sharing updated information, and new insights so you can better understand and identify how diet culture shows up in your life.

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