6 Somatic Tools to Help Release Emotions

What are somatic tools? And can they be as helpful as talk therapy for helping processes and release emotions? Today, we are briefly diving into somatic therapy and sharing 6 Somatic Tools to Help Release Emotions!

Before we get into the tools, let’s do a brief lesson on somatic therapy and why it’s incredibly beneficial. The word Somatic comes from the Greek word ‘Soma’ meaning ‘body’. Somatic Therapy is an integrated modality that focuses on the mind-body connection and uses a bottom-up versus top-down approach to healing.

Bottom-Up Versus Top-Down Healing

One of the leading trauma experts, Bessel Van Der Kolk, wrote a book (it’s HIGHLY clinical) called The Body Keeps the Score. His work centers around the fact that many of our experiences, including trauma, live within our bodies. I recently heard someone say “Our bodies tell the story.” Unprocessed trauma within our body can lead to mental health struggles, physical symptoms and struggles, and more.

Many traditional talk therapies focus on top-down healing, meaning we use cognition - or the thinking brain - to work toward healing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a great example of this. This modality focuses on the interaction between our thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs, and works to empower clients to identify and change their thought patterns. While this can be incredibly helpful for some, it’s not always an effective form of therapy, long-term, especially for those that have experienced trauma.

Bottom-up healing starts by focusing on bodily sensations and physical experiences then moves upward to cognitive processing. Because our bodies hold emotional memories and trauma responses, integrating somatic therapy practices into traditional talk therapy can offer a more holistic model of healing.

Check out this 90-second reel that shows the difference and how somatic and talk therapy can be combined.

Benefits of Somatic Tool

Somatic tools help us process emotions through the body and can help us feel our feelings <insert link>. These are tools I use regularly to help emotions move through my body and regulate my nervous system. I highly recommend testing out these tools when you are in a safe space and your nervous system is regulated. This will allow you to really tune into your body’s sensations and know what to expect if you use them when you are feeling dysregulated.

All these movements are going to help with a variety of things:

  • releasing tension

  • regulating emotions

  • building a mind-body connection

  • regulating your nervous system

  • stimulating the vagus nerve

  • activating your parasympathetic nervous system

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is often called the ‘rest and digest’ system. It helps your body relax and calm down, especially after stressful or dangerous situations. The vagus nerve is the main nerve of the PNS.

6 Somatic Tools to Help Release Emotions

  1. Heel Drops: This simple movement helps regulate your body when feeling stressed or anxious. It’s a grounding movement that helps us feel connected to the earth and supported by the ground beneath us.
    HOW TO: stand tall with feet planted on the ground or find a comfortable seat with feet planted on the ground. Slowly push up on your toes and gently tap your heels on the ground. Set a timer and drop your heels for 30 seconds - 1 minute. Notice the vibration throughout your body. Tune in to how you feel after. Grab a tutorial HERE!

  2. Spinal Twists: If anyone is a fan of Yoga with Adrienne, you’ll know that she calls this little move ‘knocking on heaven’s doors’. This is one of my favorite movements to build a mind-body connection. Not only does it help release tension in the spine, upper body, and hips (where we store A LOT of stress and emotions), but it also allows for the opportunity to sync your breath to the movement of your body. Grab a tutorial HERE!
    HOW TO: stand tall with feet planted on the ground. Keep your legs and hips stable to start, moving from your center, start moving your arms side to side, gently tapping your fists or hands on the opposite side of your body. As you get into a rhythm, feel free to add in your hips. Set a timer for 30 seconds - 1 minute. Notice the gentle taps on each side of your body. Tune in to how you feel after.

  3. Tapping: This tool is great for releasing tension, reducing stress, regulating emotions, and building a mind-body connection. You might have heard of EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - a form of tapping with a step-by-step process that also integrates positive statements or affirmations. You can also use gentle taps to help break up and release emotions. I tend to feel anxiety in my chest, so when I tap, I close my eyes and visualize the build-up of anxiety around my chest breaking up as I tap. Grab a tutorial HERE!
    HOW TO: using the pads of your fingers, gently tap different parts of your body. Set a timer for 30 seconds - 1 minute. Notice how it feels as you gently tap different parts of your body. Tune in to how you feel after.

  4. Breathing: One of the most underutilized tools you can use that doesn’t require anything but yourself, is breathing. There are so many different forms of breathwork available and the benefits are incredible. A few of my favorite breathing tools include alternative nostril breathing, box breathing, and diaphragmatic breathing.
    HOW TO: stand tall with feet planted on the ground or find a comfortable seat with feet planted on the ground. Place one hand on your heart space and one on your belly. (This is optional, but I find it helps build the mind-body connection and can help guide breathing.) As you inhale, start filling your lungs with air, then imagine that air making its way down to your belly, filling it with air, like a balloon. Contract your belly as you exhale or deflate the balloon. As you find a rhythm, test out holding your breath for 1-2 seconds at the top of the inhale and bottom of the exhale. Practice through a few cycles of breathing. Grab a tutorial HERE!

  5. Shaking: This is my absolute favorite tool that I use multiple times a day. Now, I felt really weird when I was first introduced to this tool, so feel free to start small, but take note of how it makes your body feel, don’t be afraid to go big with it.
    HOW TO: either sitting or standing, shake parts of your body. You can start as simply as shaking out your hands, or go as big as adding in some hops and shaking your entire body. Set a timer for 30 seconds - 1 minute. Shake your body. Notice the change after.

  6. SOUND: Using sound can be a powerful tool to regulate emotions and stimulate your vagus nerve. Utilizing this tool can sound like humming, singing along to your favorite songs or singing solo, making sound as you exhale, or flubbering your lips together (horsey lips) as you exhale.

Moving Forward

Because eating disorders and body image directly impact our body, adding in somatic movements and tools can be incredibly helpful. If you or someone you know needs help with eating or body image challenges, reach out to a CCN clinician today!

Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW

Jen Elliott is a Therapist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor specializing in eating disorders. Learn more about Jen by visiting her team page.


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