6 Somatic Tools to Help Release Emotions
What are somatic tools? And can they be as helpful as talk therapy for helping processes and release emotions? Today, we are briefly diving into somatic therapy and sharing 6 Somatic Tools to Help Release Emotions!
Ask the Team: What does a positive relationship with movement look like?
Is this a burning question in your mind; does everyone feel like they have to work out? Why does exercise feel like such a chore? What will happen if I don’t exercise on a regular basis?
Here are a few things that a positive relationship with movement IS...
Ask the Team: Can you exercise while working on your relationship with food and your body?
It has been all the buzz lately with eating disorder treatment research; if you can and how much you should allow exercise while engaging in eating disorder treatment. We have come a long way in understanding the impact of engaging in exercise + eating disorder treatment simultaneously. The biggest thing that stood out to me from the get go is if we are going to intentionally work on our relationship and beliefs around food and body image, why can’t we also do the same thing with our relationship to exercise?
Creating Your Own Joyful, Intuitive Movement Practice
Joyful, intuitive movement aims to remove guilt, shame, rules, punishment, and body manipulation and replace it with pleasure, joy, intuition, and freedom. It comes from a place of self-care rather than self-control.
10 Tips for Creating a Self-Care Practice
Self-care has become a buzzword over the last handful of years. From promoting bubble baths to treating yourself to an expensive coffee drink, and more it can be difficult to know what self-care actually means and what it can do for us. We want to share 10 tips for creating your own self-care practice!