HAES, Intuitive Eating, Body Image, Ask the Team Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW HAES, Intuitive Eating, Body Image, Ask the Team Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW

Ask the Team: What is Set Point Theory?

Set Point Theory posits that our body has a weight range where it feels most comfortable and will always work to maintain. This range is where our bodies feel most comfortable, where all our systems function properly, and where weight is maintained without much effort on our end (read: no dieting). If our weight dips below the range, our body will adjust metabolism and appetite to bring us back to our set point/set range. Your set point range is generally around 10-20 pounds.

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HAES, Body Awareness Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW HAES, Body Awareness Jen Elliott, MSW, LSW

Principles of Health At Every Size® (HAES)

As an outpatient practice made up of dietitians and therapists specializing in eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image, our clinicians operate from a Health At Every Size® (HAES) approach. HAES is an approach to health that is counter to diet culture, as it aims to address biases, challenge stigma and discrimination, provide education, and more. Today, we are reviewing what Health At Every Size® is, why it’s important, and how you can learn more.

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