You Don’t Have to Love Your Body
Happy Valentine’s Day! On this day focused on love, we are taking a bit of a different approach. Clients often talk about the difficulty in loving their body and we get it! Today, we are talking about why you don’t have to love your body and sharing other practices you can do to shift your relationship with your body.
5 Ways to Be Kind to Your Body This Month
While winter officially started at the end of December, for folks in the Midwest, January starts a 3-month (at least!!) stretch of winter that brings cold weather, snow, and gray skies. The ‘New Year, New You’ mentality aims to make at least this month more ‘manageable’, it can also leave us feeling exhausted and stressed. The good news is there are ways to take care of yourself and be kind to your body in the process.
What is Interoceptive Awareness?
Interoceptive awareness is the process of receiving, accessing, and evaluating internal bodily signals (1). This includes signals related to mood changes, hunger, thirst, temperature, and aches or pains.
It integrates motivations, emotions, internal organ sensations, and associated thought patterns and reactions. This is complicated stuff that our body is always doing, but you may not be aware of it.
What is Body Neutrality?
Body neutrality is an alternate approach to body positivity that tells us that our bodies are neither bad nor good, they just are. Body neutrality emphasizes the idea that our bodies’ purpose is rooted more in the functionality of living (aka carrying us through life) versus being an indicator of the quality of human we are or how we are doing in life (Horn, 2021).
Principles of Health At Every Size® (HAES)
As an outpatient practice made up of dietitians and therapists specializing in eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image, our clinicians operate from a Health At Every Size® (HAES) approach. HAES is an approach to health that is counter to diet culture, as it aims to address biases, challenge stigma and discrimination, provide education, and more. Today, we are reviewing what Health At Every Size® is, why it’s important, and how you can learn more.
8 Ways to Support Yourself During Tough Body Image Days
Navigating body grief and tough body image days can be really difficult. Grab these tips for how to support yourself!
What is Body Grief?
Bodies change throughout our life. It’s normal and it’s supposed to happen. Yet, in our culture, body change is often seen as a bad thing. Add in how difficult it is to live up to our culture’s unattainable body standards and body grief makes sense. Today’s post dives into the various stages of body grief.
Is it really about the weight?
We understand that talking about bodies is a big topic, with a lot of nuances. We aren’t claiming to know all the answers or know what works best for your body and your life. Instead, our aim with this post is to provide insights that get you thinking critically about the role of (intentional) weight loss and its impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health.